Monday, September 21, 2015

Syrian Refugees. A Global issue?

    Recently something that has been causing a lot of commotion in the news is the Syrian refugees situation. As many people know, the uprising and fleeing of Syrian citizens because of disastrous events has been going on since early 2011. 70,000 civilian casualties have been recorded and about one fifth of Syria's population has fled to nearby countries.

    According to a recent article from the Texas Tribune, Texas is expected to receive a substantial amount of Syrian refugees, since the US is ready to welcome about 10,000 refugees in the next year. Many Americans are against the idea of accepting said refugees. The group which is against this idea is mainly composed of Republicans. A recent poll suggests approximately 70% of Republicans oppose the acceptance of refugees, while only a 30% of Democrats oppose it. 

    I found this article interesting because I actually have an opinion about this topic and we are also able to see the different attitudes of democrats and republicans based on the polls. I am for the acceptance of refugees. Many people find it easy to just say that it's not our problem or that Europe needs to handle it. That's not the case, I consider this to be a global issue. Many people don't realize what the Syrian citizens have to go through. They are desperately trying to find a new home, and are willing to risk their lives in the process.Every human being should be able to live in peace and belong to a nation they can call "home". 
